
Multichannel content creation
FuzzyMark Content

Providing content development solutions across multiple channels such as websites, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and regular maintenance.

Free consultation

Are you facing the following issues?

  • Unable to develop systematic content across communication channels due to a lack of clear strategy?

  • Content is superficial and unprofessional, impacting the company’s image?

  • Content on communication channels is not updated regularly, and posts are not SEO-friendly, leading to poor Google rankings?

  • The cost of maintaining a professional content team for just one channel is too high?

  • Even if your company has a content development team, it may not be achieving the desired results due to a lack of expertise and specialization.

Developing a multichannel content strategy with FuzzyMark Content and

3 great benefits for your products and services

Assert your company’s position

Owning communication channels with well-invested content and visuals will help your company make a strong impression and enhance your professionalism.

Increase online marketing effectiveness

Having a well-structured content development strategy means that regularly updated posts will be valued more for your website compared to your competitors.

Increase conversion rates

Content is a crucial factor in attracting visitors, so investing in content is also a way to achieve sustainable revenue growth.

Why choose FuzzyMark for building and developing your content?

 3 reasons to choose FuzzyMark

  • A Well-Structured Content Development Plan

    FuzzyMark Content’s content specialists research and create a unique content development plan tailored to the topic, keyword set, frequency, and timing of posts, aligned with each brand’s objectives and characteristics.

  • SEO-Optimized Content and Imagery

    All articles edited by FuzzyMark Content meet SEO standards, including optimized titles, meta tags, and keyword density, helping to improve your website’s search engine ranking.

  • Regular Content Editing and Updates

    Based on the established plan, our specialists will edit the content. After thorough checking to ensure all KPIs are met, the articles will be published on your company’s website.

Contact us for freee consultation

 Ensure SEO-Optimized Writing Elements

  • Length and Keyword Density

    The average length should be between 500 and 1,000 words (depending on the specific case). Keyword density should be between 3% and 5%, with natural distribution and no stuffing or forced insertion of keywords.

  • Unique and Non-Duplicated

    Ensure content is unique and not duplicated from other websites, with a uniqueness rate of over 70%.

  • Comprehensive and User-Friendly

    Ensure that internal linking within the website is complete. Product descriptions and blog posts should be reader-friendly.

  • Titles and Descriptions

    For product names, article titles, and SEO titles and descriptions, ensure 100% accuracy with no spelling or typing errors. In the content of each specific article (including product descriptions and blog posts), limit spelling and typing errors to a maximum of 0.5% of the total word count.

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Whenever you need support with content
FuzzyMark Content will be available immediately.

Consultation and support

A consultant will assist you on-site, addressing all issues throughout the process of working with FuzzyMark on content-related matters.

Hotline 08.363636.87

Hotline 08.363636.87 is available to assist you every day of the week, from Monday to Sunday, between 8:00 AM and 10:00 PM.

Livechat system

Just send a message to the livechat system on the website to receive advice and exchange information.

Administration guide

FuzzyMark will assign a technician to guide you on how to use the software. You can easily refer to and follow their instructions.